
Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart.

-Elizabeth Andrew

“Those who can do, do.
Those who can do more, volunteer.”

-Author unknown

“Volunteers don’t get paid, not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless.”

-Sherry Anderson

We need volunteers for the following events 2023-2024

Go to our Google Calendar to sign up to volunteer for any of the events below. A link will be available on google calendar as we get closer to the date.

Book fair- FallOctober 16-18
Conference meals- FallOctober 16-18
*Art Adventure (2nd- 5th grade)January 2024
Book fair -SpringFebruary 06, 08, 09
Conference meals- SpringFebruary 06, 08,09
Glowflake DanceFebruary 23
5th Grade Party (5th grade parents only)TBD
Fun dayMay 31

Events denoted by an *asterisk* require a completed background check to participate.

Volunteer application/Background check.

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